At the beginning of every year, the New York Times will post a list of some of the hottest and most exciting places to travel. When the 2015 list came out, I was absolutely shocked to see that, amongst exotic islands and European cities, Cleveland, Ohio was number 21 out of 52.
When I first moved to Cleveland a little over a year ago, my friends and family thought I was crazy to go to a city that was, at the time, getting very negative attention in the media. However, I believed in Cleveland, and now the NY Times does too.
Cleveland Skyline - Photo credit Rudy Balasko
No matter where your interests lie, Cleveland will be able to give you what you’re looking for. Sports? Our fan base puts everyone else to shame with our passion for the Browns, Indians, and Cavaliers. Arts? We have the second largest theatre district in the country, right behind Broadway. Culture? Check out the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum, Cleveland Museum of Art, Museum of Contemporary Art or the Museum of Natural History. Food? Shop at the West Side Market or try any of the trendy restaurants dispersed around the city. Basically, we have it all.
MOCA - Photography: Dean Kaufman
While at first I was shocked to see Cleveland ranked among destinations that I have dreamed of, once I thought about it, this city is more than deserving to be on the list. I realized that I don’t take full of advantage of all that it has to offer. So today, no matter how long you have lived here, I challenge you to look 2at Cleveland with fresh new eyes and be a tourist in your own city.