The Movement Project

Education & Outreach

ABOUT: Since 2009, TMP has provided high quality and affordable dance education through our outreach offerings in schools, libraries, community centers, and museums throughout NE Ohio. All outreach classes are taught by The Movement Project's professional dance educators and focuses on providing students the skills to navigate their academic and daily lives with thought, care, and a community approach.

AGES 3-9: TMP’s focus is to enhance and develop student’s gross/fine motor coordination, creative expression/thinking, social interaction, problem solving, cooperative play, rhythm, rhyming, build self-esteem, manage stress, and practice self-compassion.

MIDDLE/HIGH SCHOOL: TMP believes we must build a sustainable & equitable ecosystem that our future artists can see themselves thriving in. Our residencies prepare emerging artists with real-world career readiness, providing support and skills to be successful artists and people within their communities.



Send us an email for more information on course descriptions, pricing, and available packages.

Liz Conway | Operations Coordinator

(216) 694-8241